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The company got pushed into its stance based on pressure from a woke segment of its employees and from progressives on the outside.ĭisney’s case against the bill relied on the smear that the legislation somehow threatened gay or trans people. Disney was the aggressor in the battle over the education bill, lied about it, and pledged to work to repeal it.Įven though the bill had nothing to do with Disney whatsoever - nothing to do with its product, its business model, or its employees. There’s a reason this fight escalated to this point, though.

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This is a sign, we are told, of the advent of an American authoritarianism that brooks no dissent - Disney criticizes a measure supported by the Florida GOP, the so-called Don’t Say Gay bill, and immediately gets targeted. Ron DeSantis, voted to repeal the “special independent district” enjoyed by Disney for half a century. The state legislature, with the support of Gov. Just like that, tyranny has descended on Florida.

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