Junjo Romantica is a famous BL anime that revolves around Takahashi Misaki and Usami Akihiko, student and mentor.
Takahashi Misaki and Usami Akihiko (Junjo Romantica) They find solace in each other- in ice skating and love. This story is a heart-warming romance between the two characters, that focuses solely on the love and emotional relationship between them. Victor and Yuri are ice skaters who find themselves at a crossroads in their careers. The realistic romance and the heartfelt music will make you fall in love with the characters and the story. Yuri on Ice is a sports anime that steers towards an LGBTQ+ love story. Yuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice) So, here are the top 10 Yaoi/BL anime couples you should know about: 1. These anime couples have given us a glimpse of their romance that makes us root for them. The Yaoi/BL manga/anime are mostly read and watched by women and are also written by women. Whereas, Yaoi focuses on the sexual aspect such as smut of explicit sides of their relationship. Boy’s Love is the term used in Japan, where relationships between male characters are mostly focused on the emotional and romantic aspects of a relationship and sometimes sexual. These top 10 Yaoi/BL anime couples make us fall in love with them and wish they were real. Yaoi, also known as Boys Love focuses on relationships between male characters.